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Building contract
Building started
Keel laid
19/4/1975 Launch
Sea trial
Second sea trial
30/12/1975 Delivered to Murmansk Shipping Co, Murmansk, Soviet Union.
1976 Cruises
1997 Sold to Clipper Cruise Line, Nassau, Bahamas. new name Clipper Adventurer.
3/1998 Rebuild on Fredericia Skibsværft, Fredericia, Denmark
4/1998 Adventure cruises Arctic and Antarctic
2000 Rebuild
15/4/2007 Sold to Adventurer Owner Ltd (Clipper Group), Nassau, Bahamas.
27/8/2010 Grounded at Coronation Gulf . Passengers evacuated.
10/2010 Towed to Poland for reparations.
Operated Quark Expeditions
10/2012 New name  Sea Adventurer.
4/2015 Sold to Adventure Partners Ltd, Nassau, Bahamas.
2017 Refurbished.
7/2017 New name Ocean Adventurer